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Kennedy to retire after 28 years at Buffalo Trace ADD
Kentucky recognizes World Elder Abuse Day
Bluegrass ADD partners with BCTC to elevate rural county
Northern Kentucky ADD collaborates with UK Cooperative Extension to create 'Cooking With Purpose'
Governor announces $2.9 million for GRADD area projects
Big Sandy area public awareness campaign aims to combat elder maltreatment
PADD celebrates reopening of food bank 2.5 years after devastating tornado
ARC representative tours CVADD area
New van for Rowan County Senior Center
38 year senior staff to the Bluegrass Area Development District retires
Gateway ADD honored with Spirit of Kentucky Award
Evans receives Certified Economic Developer designation
KRADD holds 56th annual meeting
LCADD hosts BRIGHT Kentucky Leadership Class of 2024
West Kentucky Workforce Board putting young Kentuckians to work
6 ADDs hold annual meetings in September
KIPDA/KYTC awarded grant to reconnect Portland to the Riverfront
Purchase ADD celebrating launch of mobile dentistry service
5 ADDs receive NADO Impact Awards
FIVCO ADD showcasing local communities
Barren River ADD announces associate director of newly established ODCP
Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission receives funding to enhance infrastructure system
Gateway region wraps up pilot cat spay/neuter project
Cornette named BTADD executive director
BGADD annual meeting reenvisioned
FIVCO looks back at 2024
NKADD employee's photography featured in Team Kentucky Digital Art Gallery
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